20 Years of Major Conferences in the Dominican Republic: The Role of High-Quality Interpretation
World Summit for the Reconstruction of Haiti


The Dominican Republic has increasingly positioned itself as a prominent hub for high-profile international conferences, symposiums, and summits. Over the past two decades, the country has hosted key gatherings such as the General Assemblies of the Organization of American States (OAS), the Association of World Election Bodies (AWEB), the Cocoa World Congress, and various presidential summits. These events reflect the Dominican Republic’s growing influence in global diplomacy, economic development, and industry leadership. Below is a detailed overview of these significant gatherings.

1. Organization of American States (OAS) General Assemblies

The Dominican Republic has hosted several General Assemblies of the Organization of American States (OAS), the most prominent being the 46th General Assembly in 2016 held in Santo Domingo. This meeting brought together foreign ministers and diplomats from across the Americas to discuss pressing issues such as human rights, democracy, regional security, and sustainable development.

One of the key outcomes of the 2016 assembly was the adoption of the “American Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples”, a landmark agreement highlighting the region’s commitment to upholding the rights of indigenous communities.

The OAS assemblies held in the Dominican Republic have reinforced its role as a leader in promoting multilateral cooperation and democratic values across the Western Hemisphere.

2. Association of World Election Bodies (AWEB) General Assembly

In 2018, the Dominican Republic hosted the 5th General Assembly of the Association of World Election Bodies (AWEB) in Punta Cana. This prestigious event brought together election management officials from over 100 countries, making it one of the most significant international election-related gatherings in the country’s history.

The conference focused on key themes such as the use of technology in elections, ensuring electoral transparency, and combating misinformation. The Dominican Republic’s Central Electoral Board (JCE) was praised for its role in organizing the event and for highlighting the country’s advancements in electoral processes. This gathering cemented the Dominican Republic’s status as a regional leader in electoral management and democratic governance.

The Cocoa World Congress, organized by the International Cocoa Organization (ICCO), has been hosted multiple times in the Dominican Republic, with the most notable event taking place in 2018 in Punta Cana. As one of the largest cocoa-producing nations in the world, the Dominican Republic has been a natural choice for this global gathering.

3. Cocoa World Congress

The congress brought together cocoa producers, exporters, industry leaders, and policymakers to discuss sustainability, fair trade practices, and innovations in cocoa production. It also highlighted the Dominican Republic’s role as a leader in the production of organic cocoa. This event underscored the country’s influence in the global cocoa market and its commitment to promoting ethical and sustainable agricultural practices.

4. Presidential Summits

The Dominican Republic has hosted several high-level presidential summits over the last two decades, reinforcing its position as a diplomatic hub in the Caribbean. Among the most notable:

Ibero-American Summit (2016): Held in Santo Domingo, this summit brought together heads of state and government from Latin America, Spain, and Portugal to discuss topics such as economic growth, education, and sustainable development under the theme “Youth, Entrepreneurship, and Education.”

Central American Integration System (SICA) Summits: The Dominican Republic has hosted multiple SICA summits, focusing on regional cooperation, trade, and security. These gatherings have allowed the Dominican Republic to strengthen its ties with Central American nations and promote regional integration.

Alliance for Development in Democracy (ADD) Summit (2023): The Dominican Republic played host to this summit, which included the presidents of Costa Rica, Panama, and Ecuador. Discussions centered on fostering democracy, economic resilience, and cooperation in addressing global challenges.

These summits have elevated the Dominican Republic’s role as a key player in regional diplomacy and cooperation.

5. General Assembly of the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)

In 2019, the Dominican Republic hosted the UNWTO Regional Meeting for the Americas, part of the organization’s global series of assemblies. The event highlighted the Dominican Republic’s leadership in sustainable tourism and its status as the top destination in the Caribbean.

Discussions at the assembly focused on sustainable tourism practices, addressing the challenges of climate change, and promoting inclusive tourism development. The event showcased the Dominican Republic’s ability to balance tourism growth with environmental and cultural preservation.

6. Climate Action and Energy Summits

The Dominican Republic has hosted numerous regional conferences on renewable energy and climate change, including events under the Caribbean Renewable Energy Forum (CREF) and the Latin American and Caribbean Climate Week initiatives. These summits have highlighted the nation’s commitment to addressing climate change, particularly in vulnerable Caribbean nations, and its efforts to increase renewable energy capacity.

Simultaneous Interpretation and equipment in all these Major International Events Held in the Dominican Republic and listed in this article were provided by ConferenceInterpreter.com, Inc. and its representatives in the Dominican Republic.  We and our colleagues take pride in our participation in these events that have shaped the geopolitical landscape and commercial future of our region. 

Our interpretation services and equipment have played a pivotal role in the success of these high-profile international conferences, symposiums, and summits hosted in the Dominican Republic over the last two decades. These events often bring together delegations from diverse linguistic backgrounds, making professional interpretation essential for facilitating effective communication and ensuring meaningful participation.

Below is an overview of how our simultaneous interpretation has been implemented at some of the most significant events hosted in the Dominican Republic in the last 2 decades:

1. General Assemblies of the Organization of American States (OAS)

Main languages: Spanish, English, French, and Portuguese.

Technology used: Soundproof interpreter booths, multi-channel headsets, and live subtitling in certain sessions.

The OAS, being a hemispheric organization encompassing countries from North, Central, South America, and the Caribbean, required simultaneous interpretation in four official languages during its assemblies hosted in the Dominican Republic, including the 46th General Assembly in 2016. Interpreters and SI technicians ensured that speeches delivered by diplomats and foreign ministers were accessible in real-time, allowing for seamless discussions on human rights, democracy, and regional security.

2. General Assembly of the Association of World Election Bodies (AWEB)

Main languages: Korean, Spanish, English, French, Arabic, Russian, German, and others as needed.

Technology and modality used: Digital interpretation systems with screen-based translations. 14 interpreters in each conference room working in a 7-language combination.

The 5th General Assembly of AWEB, held in Punta Cana, featured representatives from over 100 countries, necessitating a diverse range of language services. Interpreters were particularly skilled in electoral terminology, enabling effective discussions on electoral transparency, technology, and combating misinformation. The Dominican Republic’s Central Electoral Board (JCE) was praised for organizing an event that prioritized inclusivity and effective communication.

3. Cocoa World Congress

Main languages: Spanish, English, French and Portuguese.

Technology used: Digital interpretation equipment and live translation of written materials.  4 booths per conference room with 8 interpreters working in 4 languages.

The Cocoa World Congress, held in Punta Cana in 2018, brought together producers, exporters, and industry experts from Latin America, Africa, and Europe. Simultaneous interpretation in English, Spanish, French and Portuguese was critical for facilitating discussions on sustainability, fair trade practices, and innovations in cocoa production. Interpreters also assisted with bilateral meetings and press interactions, ensuring that participants from diverse regions could effectively exchange ideas.

4. Presidential Summits (Ibero-American Summit, SICA, ADD, CARIFORUM, ACS)

Main languages: English, Spanish, French and Portuguese.

Technology used: Digital Simultaneous interpretation systems for conference rooms and live TV broadcasts with real-time subtitling.  4 interpretation booths, 8 interpreters working in 4 languages in each conference room.

In presidential summits, such as the Ibero-American Summit (2016), meetings of the Central American Integration System (SICA) and the Association of Caribbean States, simultaneous interpretation was crucial for fostering dialogue between heads of state and government officials. In some instances, interpreters also worked with media outlets to ensure international audiences could follow agreements and discussions in real time.

5. General Assembly of the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)

Main languages: Spanish, English, and French.

Technology used: Interpreter booths and remote interpretation systems for virtual sessions.

At the 2019 UNWTO Regional Meeting for the Americas, simultaneous interpretation was key to enabling discussions among tourism experts from around the world. Topics like sustainable tourism and climate change were complex and required interpreters proficient in technical terminology. Remote interpretation services were also used for virtual attendees, expanding the event’s accessibility.

6. Climate and Energy Summits (CREF, Climate Week)

Main languages: Spanish, English, and occasionally Portuguese and French.

Technology used: Mobile applications for real-time interpretation and streaming platforms with live translation.

In climate and energy forums, such as the Caribbean Renewable Energy Forum (CREF) and Latin America and Caribbean Climate Week, interpreters facilitated discussions on renewable energy and climate change. These events often combined on-site and digital interpretation solutions, allowing attendees to access real-time translations via mobile apps or streaming platforms.

7. 34th IDEC

The International Drug Enforcement Conference (IDEC) is an annual event that brings together leaders and experts in the fight against drug trafficking worldwide. In May 2017, the 34th edition of this conference was held in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic.

Main languages: Spanish, English and French, Arabic and Mandarin.

Technology and mode of operation: digital simultaneous interpretation equipment and infrared equipment for more confidential conference rooms. Two rooms with five languages and three rooms with two languages.

The IDEC provides a platform for countries to collaborate on effective strategies against drug trafficking, share information and strengthen alliances in the fight against this global problem.


Our simultaneous interpretation services, equipment and permanent technical assistance have been a key component in the success of the main conferences, summits and world congresses held in the Dominican Republic over the last few decades. The combination of advanced technology, professional interpreters and live transmission systems has guaranteed accessibility and inclusive participation in events with international delegations. This has not only improved communication among attendees but has also positioned the country as a reliable destination for the organization of high-impact multilateral meetings where decisions have been made that shape the geopolitical landscape of our region. These are just some of our events. To see images and videos of these and other events that use our services please visit our image gallery on this website.
